Sleeping Dogs: Kleptomaniac Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you how to earn the “Kleptomaniac” Trophy/Achievement which you can earn by hijacking 5 trucks and collecting their cargo in Sleeping Dogs .This can be done in many places with many different start/drop off points but we give you a few pointers as well as show you us earning the Kleptomaniac Trophy/Achievement in Sleeping Dogs.We hope these tips and seeing us actually do it will provide motivation and hope for your journey to hijack at least 5 trucks and earn the Kleptomaniac Trophy/Achievement for Sleeping Dogs.
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Sleeping Dogs SleepingDogs sleepingdogs walkthrough guide happythumbsgaming HTG HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming (HTG) htg (HTG)Brian First Look Game footage Square-Enix Square Enix United Front Game PS3 Xbox360 Trophies Achievements trophies achievements game Playstation3 PlayStation 3 Kleptomaniac Klept Maniac kleptomaniac MiniMap Trophy/Achievement Trophy Achievement