Payday The Heist: But How Trophy – HTG
(HTG) Brian quickly shows you how to obtain the “But How” Trophy for Payday The Heist on PS3. To earn the But How trophy for Payday, you will need to “Let the money truck fall without shooting the wires”. So this means you have to let gravity do its thing here and hold out without shooting the wires or attempting to start the drill. . The video shows a great method, KEY FACTOR is you need to shoot the armored car right at the beginning of the level and break the glass. If you miss it, start over cuz it wont allow the truck to fall. Once you have shot up the truck, proceed to the warehouse and dont touch the truck. Allow 2-3 waves to come through and fight them off. Once you complete a few waves you will see the truck drop and you will earn the trophy “But How?” Follow along and learn how we earned the But How trophy and hopefully you too will soon have it for Payday The Heist.
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