Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes: Level 15 / Heroes Unite Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through Level 15, Heroes Unite, and earns the “Heroes Unite” Trophy/Achievement for Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes. We pick up all 2 of the mini kits that are available during the first story mode playthrough and also find but CANNOT save a Citizen in Peril. Follow along and complete the Level 15, Heroes Unite trophy/achievement for Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes.
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LegoBatman2DCSuperHeroes Lego Batman2 Batman DC Robin Walkthrough Playthrough Tutorial HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming HappyThumbs happythumbsgaming (HTG) HTG Brian (HTG)Brian Playstation3 Xbox360 PlayStation xbox 360 PC Trophy/Achievement Trophy Achievement Help Studs studs citizeninperil Citizen in Peril gold bricks mini kits Batmobile SuperHeroes Heros SuperHeros Level 15 Level15 HeroesUnite Heroes Unite heroesunite herosunite HerosUnite