Metro Last Light: Clean Escape Trophy/Achievement – HTG
Trophy/Achievement: Clean Escape (Bronze)/(10G) – Escape the chasing Nazis on the REICH level without being caught once
Location – Level 4 Reich
(HTG) Brian shows you how to get the “Clean Escape” Trophy/Achievement for Metro Last Light on PS3, Xbox360 and PC. This Metro Last Light video is to show you how to escape the chasing Nazis on the REICH level without being caught once to earn the Clean Escape trophy/achievement. The Reich level is short and you can choose to replay the level from the main menu at any time, but once you load in simply follow your companion (Pavel) up the escalator and through the group of reich guards, and then run and turn right as soon as you start running and then stay in the middle of the screen and be ready to jump once you get to the top of the stair case. Follow along with the Video and let us show you how to Escape the chasing Nazis on the REICH level without being caught once and earn the clean escape trophy/achievement for Metro Last Light. Your opinion is important to us so if there are any videos you would like us to add let us know and we will try to get them up. Thank you for choosing Happy Thumbs Gaming for all of your gaming needs.
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Metro,METRO,Last Light,MetroLastLight,Metro Last Light , trophies , achievement , achievements , HappyThumbsGaming , HTG Brian, htg , happy , thumbs , gaming , happythumbsgaming , ps3, playstation, xbox, 360, PC, help, tutorial, walkthrough, platinum, trophy, clean escape, Clean Escape, Clean Escape Trophy, Clean Escape Achievement, Level 4, Reich, Lvl4,