Home Tag "Infinite Warfare"

Dougie Plays: Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Multiplayer!!! w/HTG Brian (PS4) – HTG

(HTG) Doug plays some of the re-released Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Multiplayer. We havent played this in years and year so we are super excited to play some of the classic maps again!!! Link to our “Dougie Plays” Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs9rvQZdz2r5bGSJNaC9Kdi1OQyA4RDjg Find us on the web: http://HappyThumbsGaming.com Tweets by HappyThumbs http://facebook.com/happythumbsgaming http://patreon.com/happythumbsgaming http://google.com/+HappyThumbsGaming http://youtube.com/HappyThumbsGaming

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Trophy/Achievement Guide

Dougie Plays: COD Infinite Warfare (Building Stuff in Zombies in Spaceland) (PS4) – HTG

(HTG) Doug plays the new Call of Duty Infinite Warfare zombies mode, Zombies In Spaceland!!! We’ll be exporing and messing around, trying to find items and other cool stuff around the enormous Zombies in Spaceland map. Let’s also see what the highest level we can get to is!!! Link to our “Dougie Plays” Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs9rvQZdz2r5bGSJNaC9Kdi1OQyA4RDjg […]

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Trophy/Achievement Guide

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: “Get Packed” Trophy Achievement – HTG

(HTG) Doug shows you how to unlock the “Get Packed” Trophy/Achievement in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. The Get Packed Trophy/Achievement is for Pack-A-Punching a gun in Zombies in Spaceland. To Pack-A-Punch a gun you must turn on 4 generators and then activate the four portals while playing in Zombies in Spaceland. We hope this […]

LEGO Horizon Adventures Trophy/100% Guide